Virtual CISO Services
Cybersecurity Leadership on Demand

Solve Cybersecurity Challenges with  Experienced Chief Information Security Officers

Cost Efficient On Demand Expertise

Many small and medium-sized businesses are unable to afford the security resources required to meet the growing demands on them for cybersecurity. As a strategic advisor, a virtual chief information security officer (CISO) helps organizations strengthen their cybersecurity posture, manage compliance obligations, and efficiently mitigate risks with their present resources (people and tools). Virtual CISOs, as opposed to conventional in-house CISOs, provide a scalable and adaptable solution that is catered to the unique requirements and budget needs of each small & medium sized organization.

Virtual CISO Services

Cost Efficiency

By opting for our Virtual CISO services, businesses can avoid the hefty costs associated with hiring a full-time executive. They can access expert guidance and strategic oversight at a fraction of the cost of a permanent salary, benefits, and overhead expenses.

Virtual CISO services are adaptable to the evolving needs of the business


Our Virtual CISO services are adaptable to the evolving needs of the business. We are able to work with current security tech stacks, automated compliance tools (Vanta, Drata, etc.), DevOPS, DevSecOPs, internal IT resources, Manage Service Providers (MSP's) and more.


Our Virtual CISOs bring a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge. We provide tried-and-true solutions in cybersecurity, risk management, devsecops, and compliance for the financial services, healthcare, government contracting, and education/research sectors.

Easy To Work With

At BlueSteel Cybersecurity, engaging with our Virtual CISO serices is a seamless process designed to provide clients with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions tailored to their specific needs. Below is a step-by-step guide illustrating how it works:

Security Awareness Training

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Contact BlueSteel Cybersecurity to schedule an initial consultation. Discuss your organization's cybersecurity challenges, goals, and requirements with one of our experts to find the right solution. If you are already know what you need, just choose an option below.

Step 4: Implementation

Our team begins implementing the agreed-upon cybersecurity measures and solutions. This may include everything from deploying security tools, filling out security questionnaires, conducting employee security training,and/or implementing policies and procedures.

Vendor Risk Management

Step 2: Sign Up

Review and finalize the engagement agreement to formalize the partnership with BlueSteel Cybersecurity.

Step 5: Ongoing Support

BlueSteel Cybersecurity provides continuous support and monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of implemented security measures. We setup bi-weekly huddles to ensure communication is constant,. We monitor for threats, conduct regular security assessments, and provide proactive recommendations for improvement.

Penetration Testing

Step 3: Assessment and Planning

Our team conducts a thorough assessment of your current cybersecurity posture, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks. Based on the assessment findings, we develop a tailored cybersecurity strategy and implementation plan.

Step 6: Review and Optimization

Periodically, we review the cybersecurity strategy and implementation to assess effectiveness and identify areas for optimization. Based on the review findings, adjustments are made to enhance security and align with evolving business needs.

Get Security Leadership You Need When You Need It

As a DoD-cleared facility, our vCISOs may work in a variety of contexts, ranging from classified to startup. We understand how to protect sensitive data, so we can safely interact with your organization’s data.

Here are some of the specific tasks that our vCISOs may assist with:

  • Evaluate your organization’s security position.
  • Maintain security compliance (SOC2, HIPAA, HITRUST, CMMC, FedRamp, and  NIST 800-Series).
  • Review and develop policies and procedures.
  • Use existing automated compliance tools (Vanta, Drata, etc.)
  • Evaluate the current security tools.
  • Implement a DevSecOps process and more!
VCISO Service Details

Virtual CISO Services Included

As your Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (Virtual CISO) at BlueSteel Cybersecurity, we offer a comprehensive range of services to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity posture. Our dedicated team of experts will handle the following responsibilities:

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts to your organization's assets. Analyze and prioritize risks based on likelihood and impact, enabling informed decision-making and resource allocation.

Policy Development

Policy Development

Develop and implement cybersecurity policies, procedures, and guidelines tailored to your organization's specific needs and compliance requirements. Ensure policies align with industry best practices and regulatory standards to mitigate risks effectively.

Incident Response Planning

Incident Response Planning

Develop customized incident response plans outlining procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents. Conduct tabletop exercises and simulations to test the effectiveness of the response plan and ensure readiness for real-world scenarios.

Security Compliance Management

Security Compliance Management

Assist with compliance efforts by aligning cybersecurity practices with relevant security requirements such as SOC2, ISO 27001, HITRUST, NIST 800 Series, CMMC, HIPAA, and FedRamp. Provide guidance on maintaining compliance and addressing audit findings to minimize regulatory risks and penalties. We work with automated compliance platforms like Vanta, Drata, etc. or can provide our own automated compliance solution.

Optional Add-Ons

In addition to our core services, BlueSteel Cybersecurity offers the following optional add-ons at an extra cost:

Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training

Develop and deliver customized cybersecurity awareness training programs for employees at all levels of your organization. Cover topics such as phishing awareness, password security, data protection, and social engineering awareness to enhance security awareness and reduce human error.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Conduct thorough penetration testing to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in your network, applications, and systems. Provide detailed reports and recommendations for remediation to strengthen your defenses against cyber threats.

Vendor Risk Management

Vendor Risk Management

Develop customized incident response plans outlining procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents. Conduct tabletop exercises and simulations to test the effectiveness of the response plan and ensure readiness for real-world scenarios.

Vendor Risk Management

Vulnerability Management

Provide an ongoing process for detecting, classifying, prioritizing, resolving, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in an organization's IT infrastructure. Vulnerability scanning, evaluation, and reporting are common services used to proactively resolve potential weaknesses in systems, applications, and networks.

BlueSteel Cybersecurity aims to provide proactive, tailored, and effective cybersecurity solutions to meet your organization's security needs

By leveraging these services and add-ons, BlueSteel Cybersecurity aims to provide proactive, tailored, and effective cybersecurity solutions to meet your organization's security needs.

BlueSteel Cybersecurity Reviews / Testimonials

Virtual CISO Services Pricing Plans

At BlueSteel Cybersecurity, we believe in transparent pricing to help our clients understand the value they receive from our services. We offer the following pricing tiers tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses:


The perfect startup plan to start securing your organization and building your cybersecurity program quickly.
$1,000/MO Term: Annual
  • Services Included:
  • Single-Framework Compliance (SOC2, ISO 27001, CMMC, HIPAA, HITRUST, FedRamp,or NIST)
  • Advisory: 4 Hours
  • Auditor Management
  • GRC Management (Vanta, Drata, etc.)
  • Security Strategy Roadmap
  • Policy & Procedure Creation
  • Annual Security Assessment
  • Annual Gap Assessment
  • Partner Discounts


The perfect plan for organizations that require two (2) framework compliances to manage.
$3,000/MO Term: Annual
  • Services Included:
  • Two Framework Compliance(SOC2, ISO 27001, CMMC, HIPAA, HITRUST, FedRamp,or NIST)
  • Advisory: 8 Hours
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Auditor Management
  • GRC Management (Vanta, Drata, etc.)
  • Security Strategy Roadmap
  • Policy & Procedure Creation
  • Annual Security Assessment
  • Annual Gap Assessment
  • Partner Discounts

Premium Plan

Achieve best-in-class security and privacy programs.
$4,500/MO Term: Annual
  • Services Included:
  • Three Framework Compliance (SOC2, ISO 27001, CMMC, HIPAA, HITRUST, FedRamp,or NIST)
  • Advisory: 16 Hours
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Phishing Tests
  • Vendor Risk Management
  • Priority support and response times
  • Auditor Management
  • GRC Management (Vanta, Drata, etc.)
  • Security Strategy Roadmap
  • Policy & Procedure Roadmap
  • Annual Security Assessment
  • Annual Gap Assessment
  • Partner Discounts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Virtual CISO (VCISO)?

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a third-party service provider or consultant who specializes in administering and overseeing a company’s cybersecurity program. This role is “virtual” in the sense that the individual often works remotely or part-time, rather than as a full-time employee of the organization.

vCISOs are especially useful for firms who do not have the means to engage a full-time CISO but still need strategic counsel and leadership in addressing cybersecurity threats. These experts have substantial experience and understanding in cybersecurity best practices, regulatory compliance, risk management, incident response, and other areas vital to safeguarding an organization’s digital assets.

vCISOs frequently work closely with internal IT and security teams, offering leadership, direction, and assistance in designing and implementing effective security policies, procedures, and technologies that are tailored to the organization’s unique needs and risk profile. They may also contribute to incident response planning, vendor management, security awareness training, and other parts of the cybersecurity program.

The difference in cost between a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) and a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) depends on a number of things, such as the company’s needs, the amount of expertise needed, and the duties assigned. Here’s how it works:

  • Pay and benefits: A full-time CISO usually gets paid a lot because they are very experienced and have a lot of specialized skills. The company would also have to offer benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. A vCISO, on the other hand, is usually hired on a part-time basis and might not need benefits, which could mean lower total compensation costs.

  • Employment Costs: There are a lot of costs involved in hiring a full-time CISO, such as advertising, fees for employment agencies, background checks, and other costs. These costs can be big, so they should be taken into account when comparing.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: A vCISO gives you options for how long the relationship lasts and what kind of work they do. Companies can change how much they work with a vCISO based on how their needs change. Hiring a full-time CISO, on the other hand, might make things less flexible, especially if the company’s security needs change over time.

  • Training and Development: To keep up with the latest security trends and tools, a full-time CISO may need ongoing training and professional development. This could mean extra costs for the company. A vCISO, on the other hand, usually takes care of their own professional growth, which makes things easier for the company.

  • Overhead Costs: Hiring a full-time CISO may come with overhead costs like office space, tools, and help with paperwork. A vCISO who works from home and gives their own resources usually doesn’t have to pay these fees.

  • Knowledge and Experience: A full-time CISO and a vCISO should both have a lot of knowledge and experience in cybersecurity, but their exact skills and backgrounds may be different. You should compare costs while taking into account the amount of skill needed to meet the specific security needs of the organization.

To sum up, hiring a full-time CISO may cost more up front because of the salary, perks, and costs of hiring someone. However, a vCISO can save money, be more flexible, and help the business grow. The final decision should, however, be based on what the group needs, how much risk it is willing to take, and its budget.

No, our pricing is transparent, and there are no hidden fees. However, additional services not included in your chosen plan may incur extra charges.

Yes. Please reach out to learn how we can create a package that suits your organization’s security needs.

Contact information


5520 Research Park Dr Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21228


4407 Vineland Road, D16 Orlando, FL 32811




[email protected]

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